Monster's motherword is Omen, & only came to mean "strange beast" after association. Theriomantic diviners such as haruspices interpreted the plurality of living forms as correlates of impending events. The more unordinary the form, the more ominous the beast. Deities & mortals alike experiment with the creation of Artificial Monsters. Rather than occuring through the usual consequential biogenesis, these forms are drawn from the Muses, Ananke, ambition, &c. These entities, which through artefice alone imagine themselves filled with vital force, ignite my curiosity. What portents do they offer? If the form of an artificial creature is inspired by a genuine creature, what pataphorical truths can be conjured from their configuration? Why is our glorious cosmos so obsessed with concepts of fascimilia & miniaturization?
I reaaally like Tamagotchis! A few of them found their way into our treasury when they were first commercially available in North America. I really loved the Tamagotchi Connect, but I didn't get a chance to try any of the models between then & 2021. During this time nurtured plants instead of machines.
I wanted to acquire a Tamagotchi for my birthday a few years ago, & was shocked to find that there was a new model out -- the Tamagotchi Smart! It was purchased, sight unseen. Did you know the Tamagotchi Smart only had a Japanese release? I didn't! Thankfully, someone online had already translated the basic menus into English.
Just a few days after my birthday in 2023, I found that a new Tamagotchi had been released! What a great gift! It was the Tamagotchi Uni. It is very much like the Smart, but with a simultaneous global release. I really enjoy that the interface is button based as opposed to the Smart's touch screen. The clear plastic keys are fun to press!
Another improvement is the watch strap. The Tamagotchi Smart had a watch attachment that worked like a snap-back hat. It is inevitable that the device will fall off your wrist at some point. This is not so with the Uni. It has a standard buckle that so far has been effective & comfy to wear.
(Note: The Tamagotchi Uni's wristband is also larger than the Tamagotchi Smart. These are both at their furthest clasp.)
I enjoy the simple interactions of the Uni. Sometimes I miss the ability to talk (or whistle!) to the Tamagotchi like I can with the Smart, but it isn't too big of a deal. Being able to tap on the screen to have your Digital Friend walk up & interact was fun, but again, not worth the inconvenience of a buttonless psuedofunctional touch square.
The Wi-Fi connectivity has been fun! At night, it downloads gifts & event updates. Although Bandai/Namco does not have a good history with long-term commitment for Tamagotchis with internet connectivity, the fan community has succeeded where the company fails. I hope that when the servers inevitably are taken down, kind & talented folks like those who worked on the Tamagotchi ON will develop ways to have fun with these features after official support ends.
I look forward to sharing many adventures with my new pals!
The Tamagotchi Uni has been at my side for almost two weeks now. Our time together has been lovely, but not without tragedy. I went for a bicycle ride & decided to attach the Tama's lanyard to my purse-strap. Sad mistake! The bouncing of the device against various surfaces left a large scar across screen! At first, I was devastated & wanted to return it. This is almost exactly what happened with my Tamagotchi Smart, & I was upset that now the display on BOTH my newest Tamas are damaged. From deepest melancholy I contemplated my condition. At ends, I decide to embrace these flaws. After all, I've got unfortunate scars, but I'd prefer not to be returned & replaced. Tamagotchi has always been about learning the secrets of Life & Death. I shall celebrate all aspects of our cosmic cycle, & this experience teaches me that growth is as much an inevitibility as corrosion.
Isn't it fascinating that we have instilled within our Artifical Lifeforms the capacity for mortality? The silicon & plastic keeping everything physically manifest is due to the same unavoidable entropy as all other sub-Lunar material, but the death of its virtual occupants is entirely a contrivance of Humanity. With these lessons learned, I am empowered to nominate my Tamagotchi Smart & Uni as "Chip" & "Scufph" May they live long & perish meaningfully.
Oh! The first notable update! The sound settings before could only be heard-down-the-street loud or off. After this "patch" there is a slider! I really appreciate this. Before, I kept the sounds off at all times, but now I can leave it on a less earsplitting volume for important messages & their cute animal crossing voices!
There is some sort of globally ranked racing game at the virtual reality holodome arena. It initially appeared closed, but after this update, the roadblocks were removed for a competition.
My Tamagotchi Uni is up to its third Digital Friend of the World. I hope I will have more time to document our adventures here :)
3/25/24 It's been so long since I have updated. One of my friends has a Tamagotchi now, too! Unfortunately, life has been hectic enough that I have had to leave mine off. I plan on booting them up again soon, though!